Monday, March 14, 2011

Budget Beef Soup

Monday is my "Make the soup of the Week Day".

 I was remembering a dinner I had in Ukraine at Zosi's.  There was a bowl of wedged boiled potatoes and just a sparse amount of beef scattered on top of the potatoes and  drizzled with a a little thin gravy.  Everybody helped themselves from this bowl.  We had perogies, sausages,bread and pickles....and of course vodka. But what amazed me the most was the small amount of meat compared to what we are used to eating here with potatoes. Money was extremely tight and this was their way of putting a meal together with a little of everything that they had. Everybody had maybe a tablespoon of beef on their potatoes.  I remembered the dish as I shopped for groceries today. I like beef soup, but I don't like a ton of stewing beef in it and I'm trying to make it cheap and different.   Old beef bones are $2 a package with not a shred of meat on them.  So I improvised a bit and  bought 3 Prime Rib Beef Back Ribs for $4.97. I didn't want cabbage and bought Bok Choy.

Glampingbaba's Budget Beef Soup

3 big Prime Rib Beef Back Ribs
10 cups water
1 tsp. salt
1 bay leaf
1/4 tsp. Thyme
3 big carrots cut in chunks
4 stalks celery in big chunks
1/2 onion chunked
1 garlic clove
4 potatoes chunked
1 Bok Choy cut up in big shreds.
veggie or beef broth

Put ribs in cold water with salt, bring to a boil, skim, turn down and simmer for 1 1/2 hours, covered. Take ribs out of the pot and slice off all the meat. Put meat and bones  back in the pot.  Add all veggies and spices except for the Bok Choy. Simmer for 30 minutes till veggies are soft. I usually add a bit of beef broth mix but didn't have any so added a spoonful of veggie broth to the soup. When the veggies are done to your taste, add the Bok Choy and simmer for 10 minutes. Discard the beef bones and you have a wonderful soup without a lot of meat in it.....and money left over for dessert.

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